As you’ve probably heard by now, the FHBPA and Calder signed a purse contract last Friday afternoon. There was no interruption in the simulcast signal.
The contract extends through December 31, 2013. With the state of unrest in South Florida racing at the moment, both sides felt a shorter term contract was in order. If the conflict between Calder and Gulfstream does not resolve itself by the Fall, the FHBPA contract committee will begin negotiations on a contract for 2014.
And while handle and simulcast revenues are down at Calder, purse levels will remain steady for the foreseeable future. Going to three day weeks and various other factors allow this for the time being at least.
While not part of the actual contract, Calder’s “Restricted Access” remains in effect. The policy has worked well to this point and, with any luck, Calder and Gulfstream will settle matters before any such problems crop up. For details of the policy, check with the FHBPA office.
Calder also agreed to a 20% reduction in dorm rent.
Provisions of the contract:
- No new fees of any type
- Hours for both tracks and the morning starting gate remain the same
- No stall rent
- Agreement was reached on ADWs and Breeders Award allotments
- Charity contribution amounts, including horse retirement, was agreed upon
- Various other technical provisions.
Is it a perfect contract? No. That never happens. But it gets us through the next few bumpy months with a degree of certainty that was lacking previously.
We’re all hoping the battle between the two tracks resolves itself quickly. And for the betterment of South Florida racing overall.
Good luck the rest of 2013! And thanks for your support.
Phil Combest