Our motto at your FHBPA is “horsemen helping horsemen,” to that end we would like to update you on what your association has accomplished in 2020.
The benevolence committee continues to prioritize our backstretch population:
- The lunch voucher program has served over 20,000 lunches to grooms shipping in to race at Gulfstream and Calder.
- The dental assistance program has provided over $200,000 in dental care at GP/GPW and PM.
- The optical assistance program has provided approximately $10,000 for eye exams and glasses.
- The college scholarship program awarded over $40,000 in college scholarships to eligible children of our members.
- With our partnership with Father Tom La Pointe we have held socially distant events such as thanksgiving and Christmas lunches during the pandemic.
- The Florida TRAC program has received approximately $500,000 from the FHBPA to administer our horse retirement program.
Watch this space for updates on additional programs that the FHBPA has planned for 2021.