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Spectrum Gaming Study Final Delayed; October 23 Coconut Creek Public Hearing Kickoff Still On

G. Herb Sheheane, FHBPA Lobbyist
October 3, 2013
The following memorandum is from Florida Senate President Don Gaetz on the October 2, 2013 release of the draft “Part 2” of the long-anticipated Spectrum Gaming Study:
“As you know, the House and Senate commissioned a two-part gambling impact study to lay the groundwork and factual foundation for important policy choices the Legislature will consider during the 2014 Regular Session.  Yesterday Spectrum Gaming Group delivered the third draft of Part 1B and Part 2 of study . . . The information has also been posted at
While the vast majority of the report is in final form, this afternoon Spectrum requested an extension that will allow their staff to answer questions posed by State Economist Amy Baker and clarify statistical tables related to the REMI economic impact model.
The Legislature has not and will not request that any outcomes be changed. As outlined in the initial work plan, the state economist will continue to work with Spectrum to review their economic modeling options to ensure that the final report contains the full articulation of the economic impacts of various policy choices the Legislature may consider.
Spectrum has indicated that they will be able to provide the remaining analysis by November 1.
President Pro Tempore Richter, who chairs our Senate Gaming Committee, does not believe this delay will impact the ongoing work of our Senate Committee. Senator Richter will hold the Gaming Committee Meeting on Monday as planned and the Committee will begin public meetings across the state later this month, as scheduled.  Additionally, in the coming days we will launch a new portion of the Senate website that will provide our constituents the opportunity to offer comments for the Gaming Committee to consider as they work to develop a comprehensive gaming policy for our state.
(Spectrum’s request for an extension of time is reprinted below)
Dear Sen. President Gaetz and Speaker Weatherford:
We recognize that you and your members are awaiting the full results of our final reports, Part 1-B and Part-2.  We must respectfully request an extension of the deadline in order to fully review the results of the REMI model, which require more detailed examination to ensure their accuracy, and that those results are presented in a manner that is clear and understandable to all readers.  We have worked very closely with the chief economist of Florida, who has suggested areas that might need additional review, explanation and clarification.
Please note that the sections of the report requiring additional review are confined solely to the results of the REMI model, which calculates the economic impact.  The vast majority of the report is fully complete, and has been fully vetted and reviewed.
We respectfully seek a 30-day extension.