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GP / Horsemen’s General Meeting

GP / Horsemen’s General Meeting
August 19, 2015
Meeting was held in the Horsemen’s Lounge; Co-led by PJ Campo, Tim Ritvo, and Bill White.
Charts were handed out demonstrating the significant increase in Handle and Revenues comparing April, May, June and July 2014 with the same months in 2015.
• Total Handle April 2015 (GP only) was 71% higher than Total Handle in April 2014 (Calder and Gulfstream racing head to head);
• May 2015 figures were 27% higher than 2014;
• June 2015, 53% higher.
Worth noting that both Calder and Gulfstream averaged 8 races per day in 2014 for a total of 16; Gulfstream, racing by itself in 2015, averaged 10 races per day.
Comparing July 2014 with July 2015 when Calder was no longer running:
• Total Handle for 2015 (18 live racing days) was up 17% over 2014 (17 live racing days);
• Total Estimated Revenue for 2015 was up 16% over 2014
We are very proud of our two-year-old program; considered best in the country; successful due in large part to commitment of our horsemen;
FHBPA and GP management agreed to begin meeting every other month between PJ and a small group of Owners. The first meeting last month was very productive.
Stall Applications for the Championship Meet are now available and are due September 10.
WiFi for the backside will be up and running by next week.
An Ice House, funded through the joint GP/Horsemen Fund, will be constructed on the back side in the very near future to provide ice at little or no cost for equine use.
Tim Ritvo:
GP is the talk of the Industry because of our success, consistently larger fields; strong market share compared to most other tracks. We have a great model!
We must all work together to keep the success “spiral” going up. We need to be especially aware of, and plan strategically to combat, the serious challenge that “decoupling” presents to our industry and the economic well being of the state of Florida.
On GP West:
Forty day meet in October and November. Grandstand will be unavailable and is scheduled for demolition after the meet; Tents will be provided for spectators; one or two barns will be designated as receiving barns.
Bill White:
Discussed the Decoupling issue and explained how Dog Racing Organizations are for the most part in favor of decoupling so that they will no longer need to split Casino revenues with the “Dogmen.” If decoupling of Dog Racing occurs, Horse Racing may not be far behind. The FHBPA and Gulfstream Park are working diligently against decoupling.
Kent Stirling:
Attended Rules Workshop recently; one of a series of workshops to come up with Rules covering the new Medications Law that passed effective July 1; Many clarifications and “tweaks” need to be worked out and the Division is so far willing to listen to our side. In any case, any trainer who receives a medications violation is encouraged to discuss the issue with Kent Stirling before proceeding.
There is a national bill currently in the House which is essentially an attempt to get rid of Race Day Lasix, among other short-sided things. It appears at present that it has very little chance of passing.
The FHBPA is conducting a poll asking our constituency “Are you in favor of Race Day Lasix?” Three possible answers are “Yes” “No” or “No Opinion.” More than 800 individuals have been polled so far (approximately 80% completed) and of those with an opinion, 89.5% are “In Favor of Race Day Lasix.” (Even when adding in those with “No Opinion” it is still over 75%).